GTMS Life > Blog May 5, 2024

Magnolia Tree (PADM): Shooting Star Kindergarteners

In April, we invited our Kindergartners to act as photojournalists. Each K took a weeklong turn with the digital camera to take pictures of the experiences, people, and places they thought would be important to document and share. They each chose 12 photos to include in the blog and dictated captions for four of them. […]

In April, we invited our Kindergartners to act as photojournalists. Each K took a weeklong turn with the digital camera to take pictures of the experiences, people, and places they thought would be important to document and share. They each chose 12 photos to include in the blog and dictated captions for four of them.

It was fun to see the moments that impacted them and hear the reasons they wanted to share them with their greater community.

Jack’s Photos

The Chain: It’s math. It’s fun to work on. A lot of your kids have been enjoying it. I took this picture to show the parents that a lot of kids have been having fun with the chains. I want parents to know about it.
The Library Picture: It’s a picture of a book that you can look at or borrow from the library or buy from the bookstore because kids love it. They love that it has got pink in it. A lot of kids love pink. I think this book might be fun for your kids. 
Circle Book: This book is called ‘Circle’. It’s a really fun book. A lot of people liked it. Almost everyone wanted it. We first heard about this book when Ms. Mary read it to us when we went there. We always hear a story before we go and look at books.
The Guys Who Built Central Park: This is about those guys who invented Central Park. I think they are designing something here. This book you might want to buy and you might not so I would say maybe buy it and maybe do not. I think it’s important to include in the blog in case parents want to buy it for their kids. They might like the cover.

Leela’s Photos

Because It’s Funny: It’s a little funny because a child is poking his head out of the caterpillar. I thought the parents would think it was funny and grown ups don’t really laugh when they are tickled. I think you might want to know that this is from the Movement Room on a fun day and when we were going to Coxe Park and I got a blister from Coxe Park and I still have it right now.
Smell Good: This is when Ms. Maggie and me were doing a work and it was really funny and I said hold this flower please because I wanted to take a picture of her so I took a picture of her and I really like it. It was taken in the classroom. You need to take care of flowers because if you hurt them you won’t have your flowers anymore.
Friends: I took this picture on the playdeck at K recess. K recess is only for Ks. Only Kindergarteners do K work. I’m nervous and excited to graduate at the same time. When I think about the ceremony I think about a whole crowd laughing at me but also a unicorn saying, “Go Leela!” I will miss spending time with my friends here at Greene Towne Montessori School. 
Ms. J, Oops!: I was trying to take a picture of Ms. J but it turned out just like this so it’s kind of a little funny because we can only see her shirt and necklace and a little bit of her face. It was also taken in our classroom, Primary ADM at Greene Towne Montessori School. I wanted to take a picture of Ms. J because I wanted to for Ishani, my best friend, because when she hears about Ms. J or thinks about Ms. J she says, “J!”

Juliette’s Photos

Sewing Shelf: I chose this one because I like this picture because it features my friend. It also features the sewing work shelf, my favorite table, and the observation stool. I like to look out the window at the observation stool.
Snack Area: In this picture I see Ms. J wearing a Greene Towne sweatshirt and putting something away. I chose this one because it’s featured in the snack area and that’s my favorite place in the classroom. I like to have snack. My favorite snack is oatmeal. I think it’s important because I chose it and it’s a really good one because it features my thing that you can see in the background- the fridge with the names.
Observation Stool: I chose this picture because it features my best friend. It also features the observation stool but in this picture somebody is on it. It also features the sewing shelf again and collage which this child is doing!
Sleeping Child: A child sleeping on their cot and a child resting in the meditation space. The meditation space is where children like to calm down. I use the meditation space when I am frustrated. It calms me down with the timers in it.

Here are a few journal entries from their daily journaling practice that they wanted to include in their reporting.

As we are quickly approaching the end of Jack, Leela, and Juliette’s time with us in our Magnolia community, we have been practicing the songs that will be sung at the K recognition ceremony in June. We made a few recordings at Circle of us singing these songs which are included below. Some are classroom favorites like ‘Sunflower, Sunflower’ and ‘This Is Our School’ while others are newer and sung especially for the K ceremony like ‘Draw the Circle’ and ‘Shooting Star’. Learning and practicing these songs all together is as an opportunity for us to begin the conversation about the Kindergartners moving on to new schools. This time of the year is always bittersweet as we are all so proud and excited for them to move along but sad to see them go. These feelings are shared by the children and teachers alike. Right now, we are beginning to have conversations as a community about change, saying goodbye, and gratitude for the time we have had together.

Books are so helpful in having these conversations about these upcoming transitions. Here are some of our favorites:

Upcoming Events:

  • Every Wednesday & Thursday in May: Parent Check Ins- please sign up here.
  • 5/7 10-11:45: Classroom Library Trip
  • 5/8 9-9:45: Parent Ed- Picking Apart Picky Eating
  • 5/9: Grandparent & Special Friends Day
  • 5/16 7:00 pm: New Parent Social at GTMS
  • 5/18 9:30-11:30: Auction Gallery Walk at GTMS
  • 5/23 4-5:30: Lemonade Stand on Arch St
  • 5/27: NO SCHOOL
  • 5/31 6:00 pm: GTMS Annual Auction at World Cafe Live

Thanks so much!

Maggie, Amanda, Bailey, Jamie, Milo, & Shawn

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