Birch Tree Community- March
This March offered a short but productive 3 weeks of learning, festivities, and the gift of a short warm stretch of weather. We highlighted women in history (including Maria Montessori), tasted dates for Ramadan, and ended with a colorful celebration of Holi. For Holi, the children were presented with a short lesson on what Holi […]
This March offered a short but productive 3 weeks of learning, festivities, and the gift of a short warm stretch of weather. We highlighted women in history (including Maria Montessori), tasted dates for Ramadan, and ended with a colorful celebration of Holi. For Holi, the children were presented with a short lesson on what Holi was about and shown how to take two fingers to dip into the colorful powder and paint their own face and a friend’s. Earlier in the month, we got an opportunity to lunch up on the playdeck on a lovely warm afternoon. After a welcome Spring break, we are hoping for warmer days ahead to bring more opportunities!
The Kindergarteners were treated to a presentation on Italy where we sampled some common Italian snacks, learned about the geography of the country, and listened to the sounds of some live Opera.
We were also treated to a very special Super Circle with Ms. Nicole who knows a plethora of silly songs! On Thursdays, I like to get my ukulele out and practice some songs with the group and occasionally sprinkle in some yoga. Here’s a list of some favorites:
What Are You Wearing (an interactive listening song/dance)
Down by the Bay (Rhyming is so fun)
Oh Suzanna
Yellow Submarine
I Like to Take My Time – Fred Rogers
This Land is Your Land
You Sing a Song and I’ll Sing a Song
Take it Easy
Now that we have a consistent schedule with outdoor recess on the new playdeck, the children are better able to manage their mornings. The hour long arrival window allows children to trickle in slowly, spend some time choosing work, and provides good opportunities for uninterrupted concentration. The rest of the morning is spent choosing work, receiving lessons, finishing a work/project, or helping out with classroom tasks.
Here is another look at our daily schedule:
8-9am: Arrival and Work period
9-10:30: Work period
10:30-10:50: Circle time
11-11:30: Recess
11:30-11:45: First dismissal / Silence Candle for lunchers & wash hands
11:45-12:30 Lunch
12:30-1:15: Kindergarten recess
12:30- 1:30: Rest for first and second years
1:15-2: Kindergarten Time
1:30-2:15: first and second year cohort recess
2:30-3: Closing circle and dismissal
Last but not least, enjoy some photos of the wonderful work being done each day in the classroom – both independently and with a friend!
Miss Anne