GTMS Life > News April 8, 2020

Greene Towne @ Home for Thursday April 9th

Join us on Padlet! Share your pictures and ideas with us on our private padlets: Greene Towne @ HomeGTMS Parent to Parent Greene Towne @ Home for Thursday April 9th Peek out and see the sun! Here are the suggested schedules and activities for Toddler and Primary. NEW: Art Lessons from Emily Grant! This week’s lessons are about Shadow […]

Join us on Padlet! Share your pictures and ideas with us on our private padlets:

Greene Towne @ HomeGTMS Parent to Parent

Greene Towne @ Home for Thursday April 9th

Peek out and see the sun!

Here are the suggested schedules and activities for Toddler and Primary.

NEWArt Lessons from Emily Grant!

This week’s lessons are about Shadow Art, and will be linked here every day this week in case you would like to refer back.


Greene Towne @ Home has many resources here from which you can choose what is best for you. Some families may only use the Guidebook. Others may only use the daily suggested schedule via email. Or you may use both resources. Some may choose just to join the live circle times. You may do a lot one day, and less the next.

All of these are fine paths to take, and the resources we’ve created are meant to support you at every level of engagement.

All circle time sessions are recorded.

Greene Towne @ Home Guide

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