GTMS Life > Blog May 13, 2024

Auction Art Preview!

Every year, all of the primary classes are assigned one piece of art to recreate for the annual auction. Each of these art works is based on an artist that the students have studied in the past year. Since the auction is drawing nearer, here’s an update on all of the Primary auction projects! Ms. […]

Every year, all of the primary classes are assigned one piece of art to recreate for the annual auction. Each of these art works is based on an artist that the students have studied in the past year. Since the auction is drawing nearer, here’s an update on all of the Primary auction projects!

Ms. Jen’s class recreated a collage piece by Tracey English. Each student designed their own fish on a piece of tracing paper, then transferred the image to Styrofoam to make their own printing plate. The first and second year students chose different shades of blue and silver, and the kindergarteners used oranges and yellows to bring their fish to life.

The students in Ms. Brown’s class worked together on a piece inspired by the modern folk artist Lisa Congdon. The younger students started by painting pieces of paper different colors. The older children cut out many, MANY triangles in shades of green and yellow. Each kindergartener painted, cut, and glued their farm. Finally, they all took turns gluing all of the pieces together like a puzzle.

After learning about Henri Matisse’s cut out paintings, Mr. Patrick’s class made their own version of Matisse’s Polynesia: The Sky. The younger students started by painting the background in blocks of light and dark blue. Next, some students designed leafy shapes and cut them out of contact paper to create a stencil. Each kindergarten student designed their own abstract shaped bird. The students then used white paint to fill in the stencils and the piece was complete!

Ms. Anne’s class project is based on Clementine Hunter’s famous zinnia paintings. The younger students painted the background and the vase. Each second year student painted the stems and one of the bulbs, and the kindergarteners painted a flower. One each component of the piece was dry, the kindergartners also helped to glue everything together and the piece was done!

Ms. Maggie and Ms. Amanda’s class explored many different patterns while recreating a piece by Yayoi Kusama. First, the students put together stamps of all different shapes to create the patterns in the original piece. Next, each student had a turn stamping the patterns to create the background and the lemonade glass. Finally, the kindergarteners assembled the piece and it was complete!

Shelby and Mr. Och’s class took on a special portrait project inspired by folk artist Alexander Girard. First, all of the students mixed paint to match the color of their skin. Then they painted paper different colors for their clothing. Once the paper was dry, they used stencils to cut out the shapes of their portraits. Even Hoagie participated! After the students put everything together, the portrait of the first lower elementary class was finished!

And finally, all of the kindergarteners participated in one large project. The inspiration for this piece is a digital work by graphic artist Rachel Westhead. Each kindergartener chose a shape for their bird, then cut it out from a piece of watercolor paper. Then, they painted their bird and once it was dry, they each glued it to one large sheet of paper to create a flock of birds!

Here are some sneak peeks of all of the pieces! I’m so excited for everyone to see all of the student’s hard work come together, and to celebrate with everyone at the auction!

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