GTMS Life > Blog August 26, 2023

Ms. Michelle: Welcome To The Monarch Community at Greene Towne Montessori School (August 2023)

Hello, I hope summer has been treating you well! To our new families joining us- welcome! To our current and returning families, I am delighted to have you and to see you again soon. Welcome to the classroom blog! Please read through the important information below.  Transitioning into the new school year I am very excited […]


I hope summer has been treating you well! To our new families joining us- welcome! To our current and returning families, I am delighted to have you and to see you again soon. Welcome to the classroom blog! Please read through the important information below. 

Transitioning into the new school year

I am very excited to welcome back our returners and our new families for this new school year. Transitions are changes, and big or small, they require effort and energy. Your children may show strong emotions during their transition into this new school year, and they may not, but I would like you to be aware of some of the normal behaviors you may see during this period.  

New children

At home, you may notice changes in sleeping patterns, eating patterns, toileting, and behavior/mood (tired and clingy). The children will meet new people, present with new limits and boundaries, work with new materials, and learn new routines. To put this transition into a relatable context, think about how it feels to start a new job– it is exhausting! Our priority with your children is to help them feel safe and comfortable in their new environment, so building relationships is crucial. If your child has a favorite animal, color, or song, we want to know about it! Having items that are familiar or of interest will draw in your child.


The beginning of the school year can be difficult for the returners, as they are also experiencing a big change. These children have said goodbye to their classmates and friends, perhaps were at summer camp with a new cohort, and will return to school with a new group of children not accustomed to the classroom routines. As our current returners did last September, the new children may take others’ work, leave out their work, forget to get a rug, run in the classroom, sit too close, hug without asking, etc. Imagine being at work and having your mentors replaced with new staff. It can be overwhelming for this group because their sense of order is disrupted, but it is also a great time for learning and growth. I suggest speaking to your children and empathizing with them, “It can be really hard to have new friends,” but remember to empower them also, “It is hard, but you are so brave, and you can do hard things!” You may also mention their ability to show the new children how to do certain things, “Your body is so strong, and you can show them how to sit at circle!” Also, remind them they were new before: “There was a time when you were new, and you would not sit for circle- isn’t that silly to think about now?”

Email and Communication

If you have any questions/concerns, please email me at, and I will get back to you within 24 hours. Please note that teachers are not available for communication during child contact times. 

If there are ANY schedule changes- vacation, your child is sick at home,  or your child is arriving late/leaving early, etc.,  please email Eileen at

Items to bring with your child on the first day

  • 2 changes of clothes, weather-appropriate (label with initials)
  • diapers, at least 10 (label with initials)
  • indoor shoes (label with initials)
  • a current picture of your child*
  • a photo of your family *
  • nappers
    • blanket
    • an additional 5 diapers (15 total for the week)

*Please e-mail photos so I can print them out and hopefully have them framed before Phase-in starts

Indoor Shoes 

I highly recommend Foamtreads due to their stability, nonslip component, and ease of putting onto the feet with little hands. The goal is for your child, over time, to be able to put on their shoes without any assistance, as well as comfort and safety when walking.  

Recommended shoes: Foamtreads (preferred) and Acorn.

Outdoor Shoes

Our goal for outdoor shoes is similar to our goal for indoor shoes: comfort, safety, and independence (your child putting on shoes without help). Avoid shoes that will set your child up for failure, like laces (unable to tie themselves) and crocs (lack of stability and support while running). When shoes with laces come into school, we will place them into a bag and allow your child to wear their indoor shoes when leaving school. Please know this is because we want your child to feel and be independent as much as possible. 

Recommended shoes: Pediped (option 1),  Pediped (option 2), and See Kai Run

Daily Routines


After your phase-in (new families), your child will enter the building without you- be confident! This can be scary, but please be strong for your child; they will pick up on your emotions. Walk up to the front door holding your child’s hand and keep your goodbyes short. Carrying your child and prolonging a goodbye can make for an uneasy separation. Usually, there are tears, but they tend to fade before the child gets to their classroom. 


I ask that you or whoever is picking up your child are not on your cell phone as your child is being dismissed. Please be ready to receive your child; they expect your full attention after a long day of working and socializing. I often suggest opening up your arms and telling them how happy you are to see them.  

Calendar Events

  • Parent Social & Classroom Orientation: Tuesday, September 12 at 6:30 pm

Parents, use each other as resources! I am always here for any questions/concerns, but it is also nice that some of you have been through this process and can help others if needed. 

Thank you, and we are looking forward to seeing everyone for phase-in!

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