Support Greene Towne’s Annual Fund
As you may have heard, this past week five dozen chicks hatched and began their little lives at Greene Towne. And our children – also finding their place in the world at this special school – have the chance to witness this everyday miracle. This is one of the countless experiences that your generous support […]
As you may have heard, this past week five dozen chicks hatched and began their little lives at Greene Towne. And our children – also finding their place in the world at this special school – have the chance to witness this everyday miracle. This is one of the countless experiences that your generous support of the Annual Fund makes possible for our students.
If you’ve already given to the Annual Fund this year, THANK YOU! Your generous donations from $5 to $500 to $1000 and more have helped:
– to buy Montessori materials (globes, Pink Towers, art materials)
– to sponsor every lead teacher’s participation at the American Montessori Society’s “The Montessori Event” annual gathering/conference last month, with Montessori educators from around the world
– to bring the chicks to Greene Towne
-and much more.
If you haven’t given to the Annual Fund this year, please consider joining our effort and make your gift online today at Over 175 members of our community have helped to raise nearly 78% of our goal this year. Strong parent participation takes Greene Towne’s program from great to exceptional. And our children, like the chicks, are thriving as a result.
Thanks for all you do and warm spring wishes!
PS: When you give, explore whether your employer makes matching gifts. You can double your donation
Continued Partnership with Penn for Research on Children and Language Learning
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