GTMS Life > Blog February 22, 2024

Our Place to Work and Play

Well, This is my school, my place to work and playMy friends and I, we come here every day Washing a table and polishing a cup Every day we’re growing up! We care for our work so lovinglyHere we are, a community How can I possibly describe the magic of the busy hum when an […]

Well, This is my school, my place to work and play
My friends and I, we come here every day
Washing a table and polishing a cup
Every day we’re growing up!
We care for our work so lovingly
Here we are, a community

How can I possibly describe the magic of the busy hum when an entire classroom of 3-6-year-olds are peaceful, self-directed, and purposeful? I hope that some of those moments are captured in these images. And I hope that when you visit for your observation, a small portion of this magic stands out for you.

Observation has always been at the heart of Montessori practice. Guides also must take time to observe. Whether in a harmonious or a chaotic dynamic, observation is a practice of mindfulness that lets us see how the children are truly interacting with the prepared environment. It helps us discover how different elements in a child’s environment meet their needs of growing. In the coming weeks, see if you can take a moment to pause (without a camera) and simply observe your child. Not to guide, not to engage, not to encourage, but simply to observe. What insights might this experience bring? How might this affect your perspective on future interactions?

So happy and pleased with their work! And Maria Montessori got some extra flowers that day!

We’ve welcomed two new classmates to our group, celebrated numerous birthdays, followed seasons and celebrations (we even had a noisy Lunar New Year parade through the hallways!) and had lessons and conversations both sincere and playful. Soon it will be time to plant some seeds and watch them grow, learning about soil and worms, roots and seedlings!

Wishing you all the peace of this quiet circle of friends weaving together. We look forward to seeing all of you very soon at conferences! – Katie and Sherri

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