GTMS Life > News August 31, 2023

Welcome: Miss Anne & Miss Cara’s Birch Tree Community

Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year at Greene Towne! I’d like to extend a warm welcome to our returners and newcomers this year. We are thrilled to be starting the new year off in our new building and beautiful classroom. You may have noticed that our classroom has a new name too. The Primary rooms […]

Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year at Greene Towne! I’d like to extend a warm welcome to our returners and newcomers this year. We are thrilled to be starting the new year off in our new building and beautiful classroom. You may have noticed that our classroom has a new name too. The Primary rooms all received tree names to represent their communities – and we are the Birch Tree Community!

Please read below. This post contains some important logistical information for starting the school year off prepared.

Items to bring with your child on the first day:

  • Indoor Shoes
  • Backpack (optional) and water bottle
  • 1-2 sets of extra clothes – shirt, underwear, bottoms, socks (seasonally appropriate and labeled)
  • For children staying a full day – lunch and blanket
  • Medication such as Benadryl or an epipen in cases of allergies and if prescribed- labeled

Some additional things to note:
Outside shoes should be sturdy and functional for running, jumping, and climbing. Like sneakers! However, if possible, avoid shoes with laces or too many buckles unless your child can successfully tie their own shoes. We want them to be confident and independent when putting on their shoes with little to no assistance.
Blankets for rest time should be compact and foldable. They will remain at school and we will wash them once a week. (Please no sleeping bags)
– Remember when packing lunches, we are a nut-free school! (peanuts, treenuts, coconut, etc.)
– Please contact me directly about Birthday celebrations to further discuss classroom allergies, day, time-frame and other details. We are happy to invite families back into the classroom to join in the circle.

Daily Schedule:

  • Arrival 8-9am. The sooner your child can arrive to the classroom, the more time they will have to settle in to an uninterrupted morning work cycle.
  • Recess – On M/W/F we will be returning to the playdeck at 2121 from 9:20-10:10am until our current home is ready to go with its playdeck! T/Th will be held in the movement room for indoor recess from 10-10:30am.
  • Circle Time is always held after recess to settle and get back to work.
  • Lunch and Half-day dismissal start at 11:45. Lunch goes until 12:30.
  • Rest is for 1st and 2nd years. Each cohort will also have their own designated recess during this time.
  • K-time (Small group lessons and activities for the Kindergarteners!) is from 1:15-2pm.)
  • Work/Dismissal 2-3pm. The children have a little extra time at the end of the day to finish work, help clean up, and hold a reading circle while friends dismiss.


If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at and I will get back to you within 24 hours. Please note that teachers are often not available during child contact times.

If there are any schedule changes such as vacation, arriving late/picking up early, child sick at home, please email Ms. Eileen at or You may also cc’ me.

Upcoming Events:

  • Back-to-School-Night / Parent Social Thursday, September 14th at 6:30pm in the classroom.
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