GTMS Life > News November 22, 2023

Sarah Shares – Learning as a Community: Building Independence

Greene Towne has a commitment to lifelong learning, certainly for our students, but also for all of us. Part of a Montessori school’s mission is to share our philosophy and approach with families through our Parent Education Series of presentations by lead teachers. Strong partnerships between home and school strengthen the children’s experience.  This year, […]

Greene Towne has a commitment to lifelong learning, certainly for our students, but also for all of us. Part of a Montessori school’s mission is to share our philosophy and approach with families through our Parent Education Series of presentations by lead teachers. Strong partnerships between home and school strengthen the children’s experience. 

This year, we’re building on that foundation to explore powerful themes of growth and human development through a monthly theme that correlates with the regular Parent Ed presentations led by our faculty. 

This month we’re hosting the workshop “Help me to do it myself!” Unpacking Independence. The Parent Ed event, led by teachers Katie Brown and Olivia Powers, will be held on Tuesday, November 28 at 6pm at school. We hope you’ll join us!

In staff meetings, we are reflecting on how best to help and not hinder in our role as guides. It’s a tricky balance, and yet we know that the more that children do independently, the greater their learning and confidence grows. The key is to have just the right amount of challenge, which teachers achieve through observing carefully, knowing well what individual children are able to do, and artfully providing choices and guidance to continue the continuum of growth. 

I invite you to join us in this personal reflection—What makes you feel most productive and independent? What conditions are important to have in place in order for you to show up fully, present and in-tune? Consider sharing with a colleague or with a partner one or two things that really help you to be your best. 

Many thanks to our Montessori Director Emily Bittner for the prompts and enriching reflection. I’ll share future themes for community learning as well. See you all on Nov. 28 for the teachers’ presentation!

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