Azure Community-May/June 2024
Greetings Parents, In what seems like no time at all, we have reached the end of another exciting school year. Here are some highlights from the last month of school. Work Cycle Butterflies! Butterflies were born at Greene Towne! Over the course of about two weeks the children were able to see metamorphosis unfold from start […]

Greetings Parents,
In what seems like no time at all, we have reached the end of another exciting school year. Here are some highlights from the last month of school.
Work Cycle


Butterflies were born at Greene Towne! Over the course of about two weeks the children were able to see metamorphosis unfold from start to finish. They watched the caterpillars eat their food, grow larger, and form into chrysalides. When they emerged as butterflies, the Azure classroom stepped outside with the Swallowtail classroom for some fresh air and a butterfly release party where the children bid farewell as the butterflies flew away.
Pea Shoot Planting

Erika joined us for a planting project. The children planted pea shoots to take home. They also encountered a few worms in the process.
Birthday Celebrations

We celebrated with Stanley and Celeste recently. For those with summer birthdays we typically have a bash at the end of the school year. Happy, happy birthday in advance to Lyla, Remy, Sage and Miss Liz and Miss Erika!

Upcoming events in June…..
Monday, June 17th-Summer Camp begins
Wednesday, June 19th-Juneteenth, GTMS Camp closed
The Musical Stylings of Miss Liz

Liz brought in her accordion for a unique rendition of Baby Beluga.
Here is a little video: BABY BELUGA
Farewell Butterflies!

It is so heartwarming to ride along with your children in their journey of independence and growth. They all come to us with some nervousness and apprehension with starting and building their new routines. Many begin with reluctance to separate from parents at the door. Then, somehow in not much time at all, they swiftly make their way down the hall into the classroom with anticipation to greet their peers and start their day. It has been quite a ride. Some will move away, some move on to primary and others will spend another year with us. Much like the butterflies themselves, your children are spreading their wings. Alexis, Liz and I prefer not to say goodbye, Therefore, for now, we shall say, “Farewell butterflies!”
Well wishes and the warmest of regards,

Liz, Cherise and Alexis